Przedsiębiorstwo Organizacji Budownictwa
„POBUD“ Sp. z o.o.
Sprawdzony partner w budgownictwie


Modernization of the tenement house and residential premises

12 Wielkie Garbary Street, Old Town, Toruń

Renovation of a closed type pneumatic shooting range

25b Grunwaldzka Street, Toruń

Comprehensive construction of a residential building

17 Żywiecka Street, Bydgoszcz

Construction and finishing works in the office and social buildings of the Tabemax plant

1 Betonowa Street, Białe Błota

Comprehensive construction of multi-family buildings

Mross and Krasicki Street, Niemcz

Construction of a residential and service building

18 Wyczółkowskiego Street, Bydgoszcz

Changing the use of a residential, commercial and service building into a therapeutic and medical center

189 Saperów Street, Bydgoszcz

Comprehensive construction of a single-family semi-detached building

White House – residential building at 15 Żywiecka Street A/B, Bydgoszcz

Comprehensive construction of a complex of single-family semi-detached and terraced buildings

Osiedle Motylowe – residential buildings at 27-27A-27B Dzięciołowa Street, Bydgoszcz

Comprehensive execution of construction works for the Research and Development Center

WOMIX Research and Development Center, 31 Sportowa Street, Szubin

Comprehensive renovation and adaptation of the facility for the needs of a health clinic, including the construction of a system platform shaft for the disabled and the development of an entrance portal

NZOZ Gizińscy Medical Center at 16 Kościuszki Street, Bydgoszcz

Comprehensive construction of a workshop, warehouse, office and social facility

TECHSTAL Polska Sp. z o. o. at 2 Rycerska Street, Zieloka, commune Białe Błota

Insulation of external walls of the health clinic building

NZOZ “Bolesław Chrobrego” at Chrobry Street, Bydgoszcz

Comprehensive construction of a residential building

Residential building at 73 Spacerowa Street, Bydgoszcz

Insulation of flat roofs by blowing in mineral wool granules

Housing Communities in Bydgoszcz and the province Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship

Thermal modernization of the roof and replacement of skylights in the production hall

Railway Communications Plant at 1 Ludwikowo Street, Bydgoszcz